Marlon Brando; On April 3, 1924, Omaha came to the world in Nebraska. At the age of 11, his family left. Marlon Brando and her two other brother-mothers, Dorothy Julia, moved to California. In 1937 the family came together again and moved to Chicago. He used the imitations that he had made since his young age, improving his character when he grew up. His sister, Jocelyn Brando, for the first time in the family, pursued his acting career and read the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. He has appeared in many films since coming out on Broadway. The other sister, Frances Brando, left the university she was studying at, and went to art school in New York. Marlon then left Frances' footsteps.

Marlon Brando studied acting by Stella Adler. Stella Adler is a special technique for him; He taught the Stanislavski System. In a moment Stella's talk about Brando; ?? "One day I told the whole class to be chickens. I got a nuclear bomb and I started running towards them. The whole class started to run around, but one single Brando did not move from where he was sitting calmly on his egg. If I ask you why you did this to me, I'm a chicken. I do not know nuclear bombs. "?? He answered. ??
Marlon Brando took his first role in Sayville, New York, using this Stanislavski System. Brando discovered here, soon found himself on Broadway. In 1944, the famous "I Remember Mama ??" In the Broadway drama. That year's critics on Broadway will be the Brightest Actor in the Future ??? . In 1947, the famous Warner Brothers company was invited to test shoots. ?? Rebel Without A Cause ?? Filmin test shoots. In 1955 the film was released. ?? A Streetcar Named Desire in 2006 ?? This trial shot was featured on the DVD.
Marlon Brando plays an old soldier who does not hold down the role of the first white screen "The Man" ?? It was a film. He spent a month in the Birmingham Military Hospital to prepare for this role. Then "A Streetcar Named Desire" ?? With a character named Stanley Kowalski in the film earned a great reputation in Hollywood. Even after many years people say that he identifies himself with the character of Stanley Kowals, whom he portrays when he sees himself on the road. This role is best actor Brando? He earned his first Academy Award. This success was later attributed to Viva Zapata in 1952, Julius Caesar in 1953, And in 1954 ?? On the Waterfront ?? . In the years he has received these academy awards, he has won the BAFTA Awards for three consecutive years. The prize has passed the tarihe as the owner.4284_m2

Best actor with his performance in the film ?? He became an Academy Award winner. But he refused the Oscar award. Because by Oscar ?? Best Supporting Actor ?? Was awarded the prize. Brando sent the American Indian activist Sacheen Littlefeather to win the Oscar award ceremony to boycott the award ceremony. Sacheen attended the ceremony with the Native American outfit and explained why Brando did not come to receive the award.
1972 's Last Tango in Paris ?? Once again with his performance in the film. I got the reward. In 1974, it was once again to face the cameras for the role of Vito Corleone, who had problems with the history of the production of The Godfather Part II, and the scene was removed from the scene as a result of the discussion.
He left his fortune behind in 2004 with a fortune of $ 21.6 million. According to the famous Forbes magazine, Brando's estate still generates $ 9 million in revenue annually. It is one of the most paid celebrities worldwide.
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